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Keep Your Cool A/C Repair Review

ConsumersAdvocate.org Rating: 4.6 / 5 (Excellent)
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Keep Your Cool AC is a referral service that helps consumers find A/C repair specialists in their area. In addition to repairing air conditioning systems, Keep Your Cool AC's partners offer sale, installation, and maintenance services for these appliances. By contacting Keep Your Cool AC, consumers will be instantly matched with a service provider in their area.

How Do We Rate Keep Your Cool AC?


Coverage & Plans
Claims & Service
Customer Experience

Our Overall Rating: 4.6 / 5 (Excellent)

Consumers who contact Keep Your Cool AC will be put in touch with local A/C repair technicians. These providers also offer sale, installation, and maintenance services. Since Keep Your Cool AC is a network, not a first-party service provider, consumers are advised to become informed about the services offered by the company they are paired with, the certifications held by its technicians, and the costs associated with the services.

Keep Your Cool AC Coverage and Plans

Coverage & Plans - 4.5 / 5

By calling Keep Your Cool AC, consumers will be connected with an A/C repair technician in their area. The certified technicians associated with Keep Your Cool AC offer a wide range of A/C repair services. This allows consumers to find the best service providers that can assist with their particular situation. (Please note that not all features listed here are offered by all providers.)

Plan Overview

Plan Types
Preventative Maintenance
Repair Plan
Emergency Repair
Commercial Maintenance

Covered Equipment

  • Capacitor
  • Circuit boards
  • Internal fuses or breakers
  • Condensate pumps
  • Condenser motor/fan
  • Contactor switches
  • Delay timer
  • Fan controls and relays
  • Filter drier
  • High and low pressure switches
  • Limit controls
  • Refrigerant (excluding maintenance recharges)
  • Relays
  • Transformers
  • Valves

Keep Your Cool AC Claims and Service

Claims & Service - 4.8 / 5

Since Keep Your Cool AC is a referral service, and not an HVAC repair services provider, details about claims and service will vary from company to company. When being contacted by a repair company, consumers should ask questions and be informed about the cost and services being offered.

Keep Your Cool AC Customer Experience

Customer Experience - 4.5 / 5

Consumers can contact Keep Your Cool AC by phone to find an A/C repair specialist and book an in-home visit. Consumers are encouraged to research the reputation of the provider they are ultimately connected with, as well as whether the technicians are certified to repair HVAC systems.

Company Profile

Full Name
Keep Your Cool A/C Repair
Company Website

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Our Partner
  • Maintenance & repairs services
  • AC replacement and installations
  • Network of professional AC service providers
  • Connect with a local expert instantly