Next Legal Divorce Attorneys Review
Breadth of Services
Next Legal offers a single service—matching you with an attorney (or attorneys) licensed to represent you in your state and has some experience in family law. The company's services are free. The company earns money by generating sales leads for the attorneys who purchase its advertising services. The good news is that using Next Legal doesn't increase the significant expense of pursuing a divorce. Moreover, a qualified attorney can better position you for a positive outcome in your case—no matter how you define that—whether your case is decided by a judge in court or settled before your case is tried. Your divorce story may be complicated, but an experienced divorce attorney can tell it for you confidently and persuasively. He or she will negotiate for you, which is often hard to do on your own. The emotional intensity of pursuing a divorce often renders spouses unable to work out issues calmly. Your attorney relieves that burden. He or she will also coach you on how to testify in court or in legal depositions, if necessary. But having an accomplished divorce lawyer in your corner may encourage an out-of-court settlement, saving you time, money, and anxiety.
Pricing and Transparency
Next Legal isn't a law firm and it will not represent you directly. Legal fees are determined by the attorneys the site matches you with. Divorce attorneys usually charge by the hour, though some law firms may offer a package price. The average divorce lawyer hourly rate in the US is around $250, but you may find attorneys in your area charge more or less. Simple divorces can take as few as four to six months to complete. If you have children or you and your spouse disagree on key financial issues, your divorce can take two years or more. Every divorce is different, of course, but in the US, each spouse in a divorce spends an average of $15,000 in legal fees. When you connect with an attorney through Next Legal, it's a good idea to compare his or her hourly rate to average rates in your particular state, to be sure the attorney's fees are within the normal range.
Educational Resources
Many attorney matching services provide nothing but a phone number to call or web form to fill out to begin the process of finding an attorney. Next Legal's website is more informative than most. For each area of the law that the site's network of attorneys handles—which range from family law to social security disability law to DUI cases—the site offers a basic rundown of key issues that must be tackled during a legal action and the benefits of hiring an attorney to represent you.
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- Connect with an experienced divorce attorney licensed in your state
- Find legal representation for divorce, custody, adoption, and other family law cases
- Attorneys prepare you to testify in court or may pursue an out-of-court settlement
- Having a strong negotiator in your corner can help ensure your best outcome
- Quick contact form takes only minutes to complete