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Momondo Flights Review

ConsumersAdvocate.org Rating: 4.6 / 5 (Excellent)
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Momodo is a free, independent fare aggregator and metasearch engine created by Danish developers in 2006. The online search platform helps travellers find and compare real-time prices on flights, rental cars, hotels and the latest deals from travel agents and airlines from across the world. Momodo provides unmanipulated listings and full price transparency on all flights worldwide.

Flight Options

Momondo helps you find and compare airfares all over the world. Selecting your flight preferences gives you access to one-way, round-trip and multi-city flights. The service then displays relevant flight information from partner airlines.




Economy Flight

Business Class

First Class


Search Features

Momondo lets you find flights based on your intended travel date. Travelers can receive price alerts whenever their preferred travel destination goes on sale. Momondo's website also offers resources such as travel guides, travel tips, and other useful articles. Its search features lets travelers select online travel agencies and compare airline tickets. A chart with the estimated airfares for each day in a one-month period is displayed on at the top of each flight search so customers can instantly see what travel dates will save them the most money. Momondo lets you filter searches by flight details and gives results based on the best, quickest or cheapest tickets.

Flexible Dates


Price Alerts

Multiple Destinations

Flight Deals

Specific Dates

Airline Filter

Cabin Class

Flight Date or Time

Maximum Number of Travellers



Travel Related Services

Momondo also offers search services for car rental and hotel accommodations. Travelers can use this search feature after booking a flight or can be used independently. Booking additional services in one transactions gives travelers the benefit of earning bigger discounts.

Hotel Accommodation

Car Rental

Vacation Packages


Leisure Activities


Booking Services

Momondo includes mandatory fees in the rates displayed. However, some airlines and travel agencies may require additional charges for seating , luggage, and certain payment methods such as credit cards.

Includes Taxes and Fuel Surcharges

No Agent Assistance Fee

No Online Booking Fee

Customer Support

Momondo comes short when it comes to customer support services. The company does not provide a telephone hotline or online chat for booking or inquiries. It redirects consumers to the airlines' websites for any customer support concerns.



Live Chat


Online Account Management


Momondo Flights

Momondo makes it simple for travelers to select flights with its detailed search filters. Travelers can easily get the latest flight information  both for specific dates and for the range of nearby dates that are displayed on a bar graph fare calendar. Flights are displayed by price, speed, and the best recommended flight according to the company's proprietary algorithm

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