Teleflora Flower Delivery Review
Teleflora is a company that connects consumers with local florists in the United States and Canada. It has an easy-to-use online service that makes it easy for customers to search for florists near their area. All Teleflora flower arrangements are artistically designed by a local florist, using available fresh and seasonal flowers.
Features and Services
Teleflora offers flowers for birthdays, funerals, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, new baby, get well, International Women’s Day, and other special events. Every arrangement is hand-made and personally delivered, and comes with a guarantee that flower arrangements are only made from the freshest flowers available.
Clients can select their florist and shop from a list of flowers arranged in categories. Detailed searches are made by selecting a specific product category, occasion, or price. Clients can then select preferred arrangements, Deluxe or Premium. Gift options include balloons, chocolates, and stuffed animals.
A wide selection of flowers is available, such as Asters, Calla Lilies, Carnation, Dahlias, Gerberas, Lisianthus, Orchids, Peonies, Roses, Snapdragons, Sunflowers, Tulips, Tropical Flowers, or Mixed Bouquets. Teleflora can also deliver your order to any secure building, gated community, military base, hospital, or funeral home. Delivery charges include an additional $15.99 service fee for all plant and flower orders in the US and Canada. This fee is subject to change on holiday and peak seasons.
Flower Selection |
Exotic Blooms |
✔ |
Live Plants |
✔ |
Custom Arrangements |
✔ |
Hand-Held Bouquets |
✔ |
Fresh Arrangements in Vase |
✔ |
Artificial Flower |
✔ |
Boutonnieres |
✔ |
Corsages |
✔ |
Cut Flowers (without vase) |
✔ |
Other Gift Items |
Gift Baskets |
✔ |
Gourmet Treats |
✔ |
Customized Greeting Cards |
✔ |
Wine |
✔ |
Balloons |
✔ |
Designer Products |
✔ |
Gift Cards |
✔ |
Outsourcing |
In-Season Blooms |
✔ |
Locally Sources |
✔ |
Greenhouse Flowers |
✔ |
Order and Delivery Options |
International Delivery |
US or Canada Only |
Same Day Delivery |
✔ |
Shipping Fee |
$15.99 |
Priority Shipping |
✔ |
Local Florist Delivery |
✔ |
Online Ordering |
✔ |
Order Tracking |
✔ |
Occasions and Events |
Christmas |
Birthday |
✔ |
Anniversary |
✔ |
Sympathy and Funerals |
✔ |
Congratulations |
✔ |
Thank You |
✔ |
Housewarming |
✔ |
Get Well |
✔ |
Weddings |
✔ |
Business Gifting |
✔ |
Retirement |
✔ |
Graduation |
✔ |
Love and Romance |
✔ |
New Baby |
✔ |
Im Sorry |
✔ |
Others |
✔ |
Customer Assistance |
Money Back Guarantee |
✗ |
Service Charge |
Varies on the local florist |
Phone |
✔ |
✔ |
FAQs |
✔ |
Knowledge Base |
✔ |
Store Locator |
✔ |
Flower Delivery at Teleflora
With its 100% hand-prepared and hand-delivered flower arrangements, Teleflora is an ideal choice for people searching for a more personal touch. Teleflora also offers same-day flower delivery making it perfect for funerals, last-minute birthday presents, and anniversaries.
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Special Offer: $10 OFF For New Customers
- Flower arrangements for different types of occasions
- Next-day and same-day delivery
- Hand-delivered artisanal arrangements
- Hand-arranged bouquets by a local florist
- International delivery