- Offers Roth IRA certificates of deposit (CDs)
- Interest rates are higher than many competitors'
Discover offers a dedicated Roth IRA CD, which can be purchased with maturity dates ranging from 3 months to 10 years. Although Discover does not offer other Roth IRA options, it can be a good choice for people who want CDs to be part of their Roth IRA portfolio.
T. Rowe Price IRAs Review
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- Offers Roth IRA certificates of deposit (CDs)
- Interest rates are higher than many competitors'
Discover offers a dedicated Roth IRA CD, which can be purchased with maturity dates ranging from 3 months to 10 years. Although Discover does not offer other Roth IRA options, it can be a good choice for people who want CDs to be part of their Roth IRA portfolio.
One of the perks of opening an IRA with T. Rowe Price is that consumers can set up automatic contributions through the company’s Automatic Asset Builder. Additionally, consumers can choose among recommended retirement funds or simply build their own portfolios, which consist of actively managed mutual funds, with no loads, commissions or sales charges, which makes the company’s IRAs a great choice for those who want to make the most out of their savings without having to sacrifice flexibility.