Pet Sitting
of 2025
- Over 25,000 pet sitters nationwide
- Complimentary premium pet insurance
- 24/7 support and Rover reservation guarantee
- Sitter background checks
- On-call veterinary assistance
- Daily photo updates of your pet via free mobile app (IOS & Android)
DogVacay Pet Sitting Review
DogVacay is an active online community that gives pet parents access to thousands of pet sitters nationwide. They offer a variety of pet care services, including pet boarding, grooming, walking and transportation, just to name a few. DogVacay gives pet owners the option of booking pet sitters and their services through an online portal or talk with a representative over the phone. Booked services comes with pet insurance and 24/7 support.
Formerly a competitor of, Santa Monica based was acquired by in March of 2017. The two websites now operate as separate consumer facing brands both of which are run by the same company.
Availability: (Nationwide)
Pet Sitter Rates
$10 per hour average
Payment Options
All major credit cards
Pay with credit card over the phone (885-DOG-VACAY)
Pet Sitting Location
Home Pet Sitting
Sitter’s Home
Pet services
Dog boarding
Day care
Pet sitting
Dog walking
Setting an appointment
Pet sitter locator
Telephone (885-DOG-VACAY)
Pet Insurance - Included with all services
Only applies for dogs booked though or their mobile app
Medical coverage
$250 deductible
General liability
$1,000,000 per occurrence
$2,000,000 general aggregate
No deductible
Professional liability
$1,000,000 per occurrence
$2,000,000 general aggregate
No deductible
Fine Print
Cancellations and refund policy
Reservations and bookings become official once payments are made or when your cards are charged. Hosts or service providers set their own cancellation policies which are clearly stated on their profile. “Flexible” entitles pet owners to a full refund with 4 days’ notice and a 50 percent refund thereafter. “Moderate” entitles pet owners to a full refund with 7 days’ notice and 50 percent refund thereafter. “Strict” implies no refunds after booking except in cases where DogVacay determines this is due to unusual circumstances.
Cancelling or modifying reservations
To make changes or cancel an existing reservation, call DogVacay Concierge at 855-DOG-VACAY or email them at and include your receipt number in the subject line if possible.
DogVacay Summary
DogVacay offers pet owners searching for pet sitting services a convenient portal for connecting to thousands of pet sitters nationwide. It even encourages pet parents to arrange a meet and greet with pet sitters to determine if they are truly comfortable with the arrangement. DogVacay like most of the leading services include pet insurance as standard but this is only available through online booking or their concierge services. DogVacay is definitely a must look option for pet parents searching for pet sitting or pet boarding services.
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- Over 25,000 pet sitters nationwide
- Complimentary premium pet insurance
- 24/7 support and Rover reservation guarantee
- Sitter background checks
- On-call veterinary assistance
- Daily photo updates of your pet via free mobile app (IOS & Android)