Pet Sitting
of 2024
- Over 25,000 pet sitters nationwide
- Complimentary premium pet insurance
- 24/7 support and Rover reservation guarantee
- Sitter background checks
- On-call veterinary assistance
- Daily photo updates of your pet via free mobile app (IOS & Android) Pet Sitting Review is an online matching and booking service that connects pet owners and pet care providers (pet sitters, walkers, boarding, tutoring). It helps pet owners easily connect with pet care providers through an online search tool. The company provides liability insurance as a standard service but does not include medical coverage for pets which is only available as an optional, paid option.
Availability (Nationwide)
Pet sitter rates vary accordingly
“Smart deal” label - pet sitters are open for lower compensation
Single booking
- GoHoliday - $49
- GoWalk - $49
- GoNanny - $79
- GoSchool - $99
- 1 Year $7 per month
- 6 Months $11 per month
- 3 Months $14 per month
Pet Services
GoHoliday – pet sitters
GoWalk – pet walkers
GoNanny – pet nanny
GoSchool – pet trainers
Setting an appointment
Pet sitter locator
Pet Insurance - Liability Insurance Only
Liability insurance by AXA (Standard)
Up to $1,000,000 – covers all damages to a third party by your pet or pet sitter
Medical coverage by Holivet Insurance (Optional $4.90)
100% coverage for pets
- Veterinary doctor fees
- Surgical intervention fees
- Analysis, radio diagnosis and animal ambulance fees
- Veterinary fees associated with surgery
- Medically prescribed drugs
- Anesthesia charges
Fine Print
Booking fees booking is available either through single booking or 1 year, 6 months, 3 month subscriptions. Long-term subscriptions require a one-time payment.
You could cancel subscriptions anytime and no obligations to extend subscriptions. Unlimited services (searches, booking, messaging) is available during the remainder of your subscription.
Pet sitter fees
Compensation or pet sitting fees are determined by Pet sitters. This information is displayed on search results and profile pages. Summary is ideal for pet owners who require constant pet sitting services. This is because pricing for single booking services are expensive compared to its monthly or 1-year subscription offer. comes with pet insurance but this is limited to liability insurance. Medical cover is only available through an additional purchase of Holivet insurance at $4.90. Unlike most online matching and booking services, also offers pet care services for a variety of pets making them ideal for pet owners searching for specialized care for other types of pets.
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10 Customer Comments & Reviews
- Over 25,000 pet sitters nationwide
- Complimentary premium pet insurance
- 24/7 support and Rover reservation guarantee
- Sitter background checks
- On-call veterinary assistance
- Daily photo updates of your pet via free mobile app (IOS & Android)