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MoneyMade Stock Tips Review

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Launched in March of 2020, MoneyMade is a marketplace website that quickly and easily connects customers with a wide range of online and mobile stock investing platforms. Users can search the site by type of investment or narrow their choices based on their investment goals. The site offers detailed reviews on investment apps, financial educational resources, and investment tips. MoneyMade is a privately held company located in Redondo Beach, California.

Services Offered and Features

MoneyMade is not a stock tips application itself, but rather a gateway to the world of online and mobile investing. The company's website is similar to marketplace sites that cover other financial products, from mortgages to insurance to auto loans. Consumers come to marketplace sites to explore multiple product options in one convenient place. Marketplace companies make money a number of different ways, including through commissions from sales that originate at their sites or when visitors click through to one (or more) of the product-providing companies represented on their websites.

Marketplaces can be really helpful and add value, or they can be really disappointing and waste your time. MoneyMade, in our estimation, is a fine place to begin your search for an investment platform or stock trading tool. When you visit MoneyMade, you can read reviews on a hundred or more investment services. Some of these services focus on specific kinds of investments such as real estate or art and collectibles. Others are more general and offer the opportunity to invest in stocks, bonds, and ETFs.

MoneyMade's reviews are consistently structured to allow investors to compare opportunities side-by-side in an apples-to-apples way. MoneyMade reviews highlight important information, such as the fees and services associated with each investment platform, so you can learn a fair amount at a glance. Each offers a quick "Pros and Cons" chart to help users quickly assess whether an investment platform is well-suited to their needs.

Screenshot from moneymade.io December 12, 2020

But MoneyMade reviews stand out because they are also very detailed. Many marketplace sites direct users immediately to their partners' sites for more comprehensive information about their services, a practice that really doesn't add much value. But you can learn quite a bit about your options without ever leaving the MoneyMade site. MoneyMade also allows you to narrow your choices using customizable filters, by investment category, or by completing a quick quiz that allows MoneyMade to make recommendations that reflect your investment personality and goals.

Screenshot from moneymade.io December 12, 2020



MoneyMade.io charges no fees for the service it provides. That makes it a terrific value for anyone who wants to explore a wide range of investment options without visiting dozens of sites or being subjected to lots of sales pitches. On the other hand, MoneyMade also makes it easy for users to click through to the investment options that interest them most and warrant further investigation.

Customer Experience

MoneyMade's website is clean and well-organized. Detailed reviews are available through a dropdown menu labeled "Learn" at the top of each page. Under the "Stream" heading, you will find MoneyMade videos that provide information and news on the platforms MoneyMade represents, as well as an opportunity to post questions, comment, and otherwise engage with the MoneyMade community. MoneyMade users can also sign up to receive periodic stock tips via mobile messaging. There is a live chat feature on the MoneyMade website, where our questions were answered quickly and politely. One of the most pleasant aspects of the MoneyMade experience is that the company doesn't try to hard-sell you at any point during your visit. We appreciated that stance and think many users will, too.

Reputation and Accreditation

MoneyMade is a new company and not yet rated by the Better Business Bureau or by consumers on Trustpilot. Since it isn't an app, it's not rated on Google Play or the Apple Store either. The company has enjoyed some favorable mentions in the financial press. We look forward to learning more about MoneyMade as it builds its reputation.

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