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10 Best
Volunteer Opportunities in Puerto Rico
of 2025
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Volunteer Opportunities in Puerto Rico 

Ayuda Legal PR Legal Corps Review

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Ayuda Legal PR Legal Corps was formed in Puerto Rico as a direct response to Hurricane María. The organization works with ayudalegalpr.org and its affiliates (Pontifical University of Puerto Rico' legal clinic, University of Puerto Rico's legal clinic, and the community's legal office, among others). The organization seeks lawyers and law students willing to volunteer legal work and to participate and offer trainings.


Ayuda Legal PR is an organization working towards facilitating legal services to survivors affected by Hurrican María in Puerto Rico. They've collaborated with la Mesa de Trabajo de Acceso a la Justicia (Access to Justice Roundtable), the legal clinics at the University of Puerto Rico and Interamerican University Schools of Law and the Colectivo Accion Legal, as well as institutions in the U.S. like Columbia Law School, in order to unite efforts to organize and train lawyers (preferably bilingual) who will be able to help with post-disaster relief legal aid assistance.

Type of Volunteer Work

Ayuda Legal PR is looking for volunteer lawyers to:

  • Collect legal knowledge & information: The organization is identifying relevant laws and regulations surrounding disaster relief and identifying collaborating organizations with experience who can help provide training and materials.
  • Offer & participate in trainings: Once legal needs have been identified, the organization will share information about webinars and live training opportunities. Lawyers with expertise or experience in offering legal aid after a natural disaster are encouraged to reach out to the organization.
  • Provide direct legal assistance
  • Accepts lawyers and law students (not paralegals).

Interested volunteers can contact the organization by emailing ayudalegalhuracanmaria@gmail.com

Area and Scope of Operation

This organization is specific to Puerto Rico. The Ayuda Legal PR lawyer brigades travel the whole island in order to reach out to as many communities as possible. They encourage community leaders, church leaders, and other organizations to contact Ayuda Legal PR if their community is in need of legal assistance so they can bring their expertise to them.

Volunteer Support

Volunteers are expected to provide their own housing, transportation, and meals.


Ayuda Legal PR works together with top representative of the legal area in Puerto Rico including: Servicios Legales de Puerto Rico (SLPR) Puerto Rico Legal Services, the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico’s legal assistance clinic, Puerto Rico University’s legal assistance clinic, the Community’s legal office, and Pro Bono Inc, among others.




Top Rated
  • Operations in Yabucoa and Barranquitas, Puerto Rico and 17 other countries
  • Focuses on critical home repairs (especially roofs) and community spaces and schools
  • Emphasizes resilient construction
  • Provides free training for volunteers who want to be construction site supervisors
  • 51,000+ volunteers around the world
  • Rated 4 Stars by Charity Navigator and Platinum by GuideStar
  • Accepts volunteers from all backgrounds; no experience necessary; must be at least 16