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Air Ambulance Card Medical Air Transport Review

ConsumersAdvocate.org Rating: 4.3 / 5 (Excellent)
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Air Ambulance Card is a provider of emergency medical transport services backed by Lloyd’s of London, a leading specialty insurer. Its fleet of dedicated medical aircraft are capable of flying members anywhere, anytime during emergencies. Air Ambulance Card offers a     


Air Fleet

65 dedicated medical aircraft stationed in 15 base locations. Air Ambulance Card connects you to the nearest available aircraft stationed within 2 hours of the contiguous United States. Jets are equipped for two, four and up to five patients. Jets in service include a five patient Gulfstream III to a superfast Lear Jet 36 that can carry patients across the globe.


Plan Details

Two separate transfers per member per year

150 miles or more from home

Immediate coverage

No medical necessity requirement

No nearest appropriate facility limitation

No pre-existing condition exclusion

No waiting period

No maximum dollar limit

Valid in US and worldwide


Plan Type

Summary Description

Annual Price


Ideal for one person, between the ages of 16 and 74, traveling at any time domestically over 150 miles from home, and when travelling overseas, will not have any single foreign trip that exceeds 3 months in duration.



Provides protection for the primary member along with a spouse or domestic partner, both between the ages of 16 and 74, and/or up to five dependent children under age 25, traveling at any time domestically over 150 miles from home, and when travelling overseas, none will have any single foreign trip that exceeds 3 months in duration.


Student Semester

Ideal for a student, up to age 74, who is studying and traveling abroad for no more than 6 months in a year.


Student full year

Designed for a student, up to age 74, who is studying and traveling for any length of time during the year.


Expatriate individual 6 months

Identical to the basic Individual plan, but any single foreign trip can last up to 6 months.


Expatriate individual 1 year

Identical to the basic Individual plan, but there is no limit on the duration of any foreign trips.


Expatriate family 6 months

Identical to the basic Family plan, but any single foreign trip can last up to 6 months.


Expatriate family 1 year

Identical to the basic Family plan, but there is no limit on the duration of any foreign trips.



What’s included with Air Ambulance Card:

  • Medical repatriation and evacuation
  • Medical monitoring and consultation
  • Emergency message relay
  • Transport of mortal remains


Fine Print



Air Ambulance Card Summary

Air Ambulance is light on the fluff and gives consumers top notch emergency air ambulance services. No maximum dollar limit, no medical necessity requirement and a promise to bring you to the nearest hospital home are signs that Air Ambulance Card means business. With a wide range of plans that offer coverage for consumers, Air Ambulance Card is a top performer that can deliver on its promises.

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Top Rated
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No Transport Cost Limit: Domestic Or International
  • Worldwide services, COVID-19 included 
  • U.S. or Canada home hospital of choice
  • 24/7 access to hundreds of air ambulances and highly trained staff
  • No medical necessity requirement
  • No Pre-existing condition exclusions
  • Starts at $99