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Compare Medjet Assist vs. Air Ambulance Card Medical Evacuation

What’s the difference between Medjet Assist Medical Air Transport and Air Ambulance Card Medical Air Transport? See how our editors compare the two companies below.
Last Updated: December 16, 2024
Medjet Assist
4.5 / 5 - Excellent
#1 in Medical Evacuation
Air Ambulance Card
4.3 / 5 - Excellent
#2 in Medical Evacuation

Key Facts

No Transport Cost Limit: Domestic Or International
  • Worldwide services, COVID-19 included 
  • U.S. or Canada home hospital of choice
  • 24/7 access to hundreds of air ambulances and highly trained staff
  • No medical necessity requirement
  • No Pre-existing condition exclusions
  • Starts at $99
  • Fly to any US or Canada hospital you choose
  • No medical necessity requirement
  • Valid in US and worldwide
  • No waiting period
  • No maximum dollar limit
  • Domestic and foreign travel
  • Up to age 74 years

ConsumersAdvocate.org Ratings

4.5 / 5 - Average
Plan Details
Customer Support
4.3 / 5 - Average
Plan Details
Customer Support

Customer Reviews

6.8 / 10 - Very good
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars
10.0 / 10 - Excellent
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars

Final Verdict

Medjet Assist Medical Air Transport has a higher overall rating than Air Ambulance Card Medical Air Transport. Medjet Assist scores better than Air Ambulance Card across: Plan Details, Plan Features, Customer Support, Air Fleet, and Costs. Both companies score similarly on Operations, Medical Equipment, and Geographic Coverage.

Customer Comments & Reviews

Anita a
Medjet Assist Medical Air Transport review
Our vacation to Greece ended in Erding, Germany, when my husband made an emergency departure from the plane. Fortunately, the town had excellent health care to treat his very dangerous diagnosis of compartment syndrome. Unfortunately, few people in the town spoke English, making the medical explanations, interviews, questionnaires, and insurance forms a real challenge. During the ten days that we stayed there, Tom had 3 surgeries, and I stayed in 4 different locations. I also spent hours on the phone trying to negotiate transport from the company from which we had purchased trip insurance. Imagine my relief when I called Medjet to ask if they might be able to get us home. A friendly voice said, "Sure, we will come to get you." And help arrived in the form of Rob, a paramedic from Canada! He handled all our transportation, luggage, the wheelchair, departure papers and, best of all sat with my husband on the overseas flight caring for his medical needs, leaving me to relax by myself for the first time in 10 days. We will never travel without Medjet coverage. Anita and Tom Ogburn

Laurie C
Medjet Assist Medical Air Transport review
While wintering in Key West, Florida, I became ill with a serious health issue. After a local hospital completed a procedure, I went into respiratory failure. As a bi-lateral lung transplant recipient, it was absolutely critical that I get to my primary hospital and my lung care team in Boston, Massachusetts as soon as possible. MedJet handled my transfer with both impressive efficiency and true compassion. From my first call to safe delivery in Boston, the staff and medics took great care of me, providing both assurance and comfort. It is amazing to me that all it took was a MedJet membership card and a simple phone call. There were no additional invoices or paperwork! MedJet’s annual premium is extremely reasonable and their coverage and care are exceptional. With heartfelt gratitude to MedJet and their staff, Laurie Chandler

Lois H
Medjet Assist Medical Air Transport review
I am so grateful to Medjet for the services I received during my recent trip to Hawaii. I had joined a 12-day bird-watching tour in Oahu as a way to see the mountains, shores, and forests of Hawaii. On the first hike with the bird watching group, I slipped and fell on a very muddy path along a ridge and broke my ankle in several places. I was air-lifted out by helicopter and spent 4 days in the hospital. The bird-watching tour moved on, and I was alone. That is where Medjet came in. It was determined that I could not rejoin the tour group and should go home. I contacted Medjet as instructed on my membership card. Medjet provided a medic escort and arranged to for me to be transported from the hospital outside of Honolulu to a rehab facility near my home. I have no idea what I would have done otherwise. I was not very mobile and used a walker to get around. The service was exactly what I needed. My medic escort was wonderful. He arranged all the logistics to get to the airport, got a walker for me, arranged for wheelchairs in the airports, and saw to it that I had food, stayed hydrated, and was comfortable. He kept me safe and calm throughout the journey (Honolulu-Los Angeles-Chicago-Harrisburg- Lewisburg). He also checked my blood pressure and oxygen level several times during each leg of the trip. He was generous with his help, sympathetic, and very professional. When we arrived at the rehab center in Lewisburg, PA, he transferred the medical documents he was carrying to the charge nurse/administrator, giving the receiving facility a detailed update of my medical status. All of this is to say that Medjet’s service was vital, and my escort made for a very smooth transport through the stages of a very long journey... help I very much needed and depended on. They provide a vital and quality service for people needing help when they suddenly find themselves debilitated far from home. I am very grateful!

Air Ambulance Card Medical Air Transport review
Good company respects and thank you

Lydia M
Medjet Assist Medical Air Transport review
Bought a 1 yr membership although never thought I'd need with USA travel as my main vacation spots. May 28 flew New Orleans/Orange County for daughter's wedding in Palm Springs. Have had many many trips to this area. 2 days later massive medical emergency. Hospital put me in Hospice, my Dr. In New Orleans told husband to get her home & they would save. MEDJET coordinated everything professionally & precisely. 3hrs 40 min after airlift in Palm Springs I was in MY hospital in New Orleans. Amazing company. All paperwork between hospitals/ambulances/Doctors coordinated quickly & precisely. They saved my life.