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Humana Dental Insurance Review

ConsumersAdvocate.org Rating: 4.7 / 5 (Excellent)
100 Customer Comments & Reviews - see all comments
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Humana is a health insurance company founded in Louisville Kentucky in 1961. It offers individual health and life insurance plans, as well as military healthcare services and wellness programs to over 13 million customers nationwide. The company has received several awards and recognitions for their products and business practices of workplace inclusion, diversity, and equality.

Humana Dental Insurance Review

Humana is one of the country's largest providers of dental insurance. They provide dental insurance for individuals, groups and employers. There are no pre-certification requirements and a co-payment option is offered. 

What's included with Humana Dental?

HumanaOne Dental Preventive Plus

This dental PPO plan offers low deductibles, no copayments, and provides 100% coverage for many preventive procedures. This plan does not require a dentist selection.

HumanaOne Dental Value plan (C550 and HI215)

These dental prepaid plans have low copayments for many dental procedures and no waiting periods. Both plans require you to select a primary dentist.

HumanaOne Loyalty Plus Plan

This dental plan rewards members for loyalty by increasing benefits from years one to three, with increasing coverage on services like routine exams, root canals and crowns, a one-time deductible for as long as you are on the plan, and no copayments or waiting periods. You can go to the dentist you prefer with the comfort of knowing this plan pays the same percentage of the cost no matter which dentist you visit.

HumanaOne Simple Choice Plan

This dental plan is simple to understand with fixed costs for services and no deductibles. You are not required to select a dentist for enrollment, and you have the choice of the general dentist you prefer from over 170,000 providers in the HumanaOne Dental Simple Choice network.

Plan Reviewed

HumanaOne Dental Preventive Plus

How much does it save you?

preventive 100% in network, 70% out-of-network

basic 50% in network, 30% out-of-network


One-Time Enrollment Fee (Non-Refundable) $35.00
Monthly Plan Fee (1 Person) $21.24
Admin. Fee (waived if you pay yearly) $1.00
Monthly Association Fee (PBA) $0.70

Annual Maximum

$1000 excludes discounts

Treatments Covered and Reimbursements

Preventive services 100% no deductible 
Basic services 50% after deductible
Discounts of major services only through network dentists.


Fine Print

Start date will be the first of the month following the month you enrolled.

Average costs the patient will pay per procedure with an in-network provider are based on averages across Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, and Pittsburgh.

General anesthesia, implants, and/or cosmetic dentistry are not discounted services.



Human Dental offers great plans at very competitive prices. However, major savings are only available through their network. 











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100 Customer Comments & Reviews

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I had Humana Dental Value Plan HI215 but in network dentist refused to do root canals. I had to go to another dentist and paid $1100 for root canal and in network dentist scheduled me 9 months down the road to put in crown. No dentist will do work at prices offered by Humana's HI215 plan.

Rich Q
Dental insurance is nothing more than a scam. For 25 years I paid out of pocket and got an annual checkup and cleaning. Then I got married and decided to get this insurance for my wife. After 25 years of never having an issue I started having problems the first time I used the "insurance." The only place I can go with my "insurance" is Aspen Dental. A national corporation that runs a conveyor belt operation designed to confuse the patient into being up sold at every turn. Then they will not provide you with the basic services (checkup and cleaning) unless you willingly pay them hundreds of dollars every 3 months for services NOT covered by Humana. Then a dentist told me they take... Read More

Read all the fine print. Many medically necessary evaluations and procedures may be declined due to visit frequency restrictions (>1). Great for cleanings, terrible for toothaches and cracked teeth.

Humana Doesn't Honor Their Own Estimates! On January 18, 2024 I contacted Humana Dental Insurance Company to get an estimate (they call it a predetermination) for a routine dental visit since my dentist is out-of-network. My dentist supplied the exact insurance codes and charges to Humana. On February 26, 2024 Humana informed me that the predetermination showed that Humana would pay 100% of my dental visit. I wanted documentation in writing that showed I would owe nothing and had the representative email me the predetermination EOB showing that I would owe nothing which I received. The agent also gave me a case reference number. In the notes for the call she documents that I was told... Read More

Humana dental is the worst I will not recommend this dental from Humana to no one save your money and go somewhere else.

Troy F
I have had Humana Dental Loyalty Plus (PPO) plan for me and my wife for almost 8 years. We have rarely, if ever used the coverage, so thousands have gone out of our pockets into theirs. I recently needed some work because of a broken tooth, it had to be extracted and bridged. I chose a dentist off of the Humana website who offered the services and worked with them. The procedure was almost $4,000. Humana did not cover one penny, that's right, not one cent of the work. I ended up paying for the whole thing. If you are in the market for dental insurance, stay away from Humana, they are definitely in it for the monthly profit you are providing, not to assist with the actual, real-world... Read More

I have Humana DEN 377 dental Plan and while my plan says it covers periodontal maintenance (cleaning) when I submitted my bill it was rejected because I had periodontal surgery within the 94 day waiting period. In some fine print somewhere it says I need to wait 94 days between surgery and having my teeth cleaned. I will NEVER trust Humana to pay for anything they says is covered!!!!!!!!!!!!

Humana used to be a good company but now they are worse then Molina when it comes to denying claims. Pay for insurance for 2 years, made one claim and got denied. Tons of my Medicare clients of been getting denied claims for dumb reason as well. Maybe instead of buying the whole country stupid vans that no one wanted, ( which they laid off people to do) just pay your claims! Had a claim benefits employee tell me my claim would be covered. If she hadn't I would got a discount plan or something. Now it's to late and I'm stuck with the bill!! Stupid company I'll never used again.

I picked this provider through the marketplace. Not many choices out there. For $26 a month, they have a maximum annual of $1000 but of course, deductibles and copays. I need it for the first time for something beyond cleaning and checkup. What happened? Denied. Denied. Denied. Even though their portion would only be $500. I am actively looking for an alternative, but from what I can tell most dental insurance is as bad. ps. I thought that I would at least get the so-called insurance discount, but if the insurance denies the claim, the discount does not apply and then you have to pay full retail for the procedure.

Humana was one of the worst dental insurance companies I've ever used. On more than one occasion, my dentist had me pay for what Humana would "no longer cover". Apparently, they don't cover composite fillings (white), they only cover metal fillings. VERY outdated coverage. Just so you know, any GOOD dentist doesn't use metal fillings anymore because the metal expands and contracts, it's not good for the long run. Composite is the way to go. The rep that tried so hard to solicit me to using Humana lied about a lot of things being covered. There are a million other much better providers. If you end up going with Humana, you haven't done enough research.

Top Rated
Our Partner
  • Unlimited Use
  • Pre-Existing Conditions Included in Plan Savings
  • Plans Start at $99/Year for Discounted Rates on Dental Procedures
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  • Discount Dental Plan (Not Insurance)