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Medica Health Insurance Review

15 Customer Comments & Reviews - see all comments
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Medica is a non-profit health services company that offers high-deductible, tiered health plans with employer, individual, family, pet, and Medicare coverage. Medica features several broad, regional networks that serve members across their service area. The company is headquartered in Minnetonka, Minneapolis, and is active in the Upper Midwest of the country, including the states of Iowa, Kansas Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

What’s Included with Aetna?

  • Most same-day services
  • Emergency services
  • Prescription drugs
  • Laboratory services
  • Hospitalization
  • Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care
  • Pediatric services
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
  • Mental health and substance abuse services 
  • Preventive care and chronic disease management

Types of Health Insurance Plans

Businesses and Organizations


Individuals and Families


Short-Term Health Insurance


Other Plans Offered:

  • Pet Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Medicare Insurance

Plans Reviewed

Bronze Plan

  • Overall Deductibles: $6,350 per individual for in-network providers, $12,700 for family plans. For out-of-network providers, $10,000 per individual or $20,000 for family plans.
  • No overall annual limit for specific covered services
  • Out-of-pocket limit: $6,350 per individual for in-network providers, $12,700 for family coverage. No out-of-pocket maximum out of network.
  • Other covered services: Chiropractic care, prenatal care, labor, delivery and postpartum care, mental health and substance abuse

Silver Plan

  • Overall deductibles: $2,600 per individual for in-network providers, $7,800 for family plans. For out-of-network providers, $10,000 per individual or $20,000 for family plans.
  • No overall annual limit for selected covered services
  • Out-of-pocket limit: $5,750 per individual for in-network providers, $11,500 for family coverage. No out-of-pocket maximum out of network.
  • Other covered services: Chiropractic care, prenatal care, labor, delivery and postpartum care, mental health and substance abuse

Gold Plan

  • Overall deductibles: $300 per individual for in-network providers, $900 for family plans. For out-of-network providers, $10,000 per individual or $20,000 for family plans.
  • No overall annual limit on specific covered services.
  • Out-of-pocket limit: $5,000 per individual for in-network providers, $10,000 for family coverage. No out-of-pocket maximum out of network.
  • Other covered services: Chiropractic care, prenatal care, labor, delivery and postpartum care, mental health and substance abuse 

*Information stated above are for customers residing in the state of Minnesota

How Much Does It Save You?





Services Offered


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)

Prescription Drugs (Preferred Drug List)

Tier 1 drugs: $20 copay
Tier 2 drugs: 100% coverage after


Tier 3 drugs: 100% coverage after deductible

Not covered

Tier 1 drugs: $10 copay
Tier 2 drugs: 60% coverage after


Tier 3 drugs: 40% coverage after deductible

Not covered

Tier 1 drugs: $10 copay
Tier 2 drugs: 70% coverage after


Tier 3 drugs: 50% coverage after deductible

Not covered

Outpatient Surgery

100% coverage after deductible

Not covered

60% coverage after deductible

Not covered

70% coverage after deductible

Not covered

Emergency Room Services and Medical Transportation

100% coverage after deductible

0% co-insurance

60% coverage after deductible

Room services: $500 co-pay per visit

Medical transportation: 40% co-insurance

70% coverage after deductible

Room services: $250 co-pay per visit

Medical transportation: 20% co-insurance

Office and Urgent Care Visits

$60 copay (No visit limit)

Not covered

$30 copay (No visit limit)

Not covered

$30 copay (No visit limit)

Not covered

Convenience Care Visits

$20 copay for most providers

$10 copay for our preferred providers (No visit limit)

Not covered

$20 copay for most providers

$10 copay for our preferred providers (No visit limit)

Not covered

$20 copay for most providers

$10 copay for our preferred providers (No visit limit)

Not covered

Preventive Care Services

100% coverage (deductible does not apply)

Not covered

100% coverage (deductible does not apply)

Not covered

100% coverage (deductible does not apply)

Not covered

Diagnostic Tests and Imaging

100% coverage after deductible

Not covered

60% coverage after deductible

Not covered

70% coverage after deductible

Not covered


100% coverage after deductible

Not covered

60% coverage after deductible

Not covered

70% coverage after deductible

Not covered

*Information stated above are for customers residing in the state of Minnesota

Annual maximum







The Bottom Line

For those who live in the company's service area, Medica is an excellent health insurance choice. High-deductibles and low premium make Medica plans best for healthy consumers that experience few medical expenses in their average year.

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15 Customer Comments & Reviews

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I have Medica Signature solutions. The plan has a zero Dollar co-pay if you visit doctors who accept Medicare. A claim was submitted by my doctor on 2/1/19. Medicare paid its portion of the claim & now it is Oct 2019 and Medica has failed to take care of their portion of the claim. The Doctor's billing dept has now turned it over to a collection agency. I finally had to turn in a formal complaint to the Mn dept of Commerce. Been with Medica for years and may have forced to search for a new medical plan. don't know what happened to them, they always had great customer service in the past

Michael B
I have been working on behalf of one of your members now for over 4 months to get medication claims paid. They keep asking for me to call other people other departments, etc. Meanwhile, a wonderful 82-year-old client is getting dunned for bills she does not owe. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure no one I know or am affiliated with will ever own a Medicare Supplement through Medica. Medica, you should be ashamed of yourself for not helping your clients with good service, attention to issues. Nataly in your customer service department is horrible. Call at 2:53pm CST on 08/19/19

Mary E
Medica customer service sucks. They are rude and point the finger at other departments instead of resolving issue!

This is the worst insurance company I have ever dealt with. I recently had to temporarily move out of my apartment for it to be cleaned and had a bottle of medication lost while trying to keep track of all my stuff. It is not a controlled substance but a medication I need for a chronic health condition I'm living with. Medica is refusing to allow me to refill the med early and says under no circumstances will they accept my circumstances as a reason for an early refill. This has never happened to me before. If I had to pay for the medication out of pocket, it would be close to $1,000 for 11 pills to get me to my next eligible refill date. This insurance clearly does not care about me. It... Read More

Robert B
Called Personal Health Advocate at Medica for help in being accepted into Mayo Clinic for side affects from previous medical procedure done locally. Was transferred to a nurse who was short with me, cut me off when speaking and finally reluctantly told me I would be getting a call back from Mayo Clinic within 2 weeks with a choice of available appointments. I never received the call. I finally called Medica back and was given very little satisfaction. For all the ads trumpeting there services, I have yet to see any positive results.

Our Partner
  • Browse plans for the states of IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, OK, SD, and WI
  • Individualized, family, Medicare, dental, pet, and employer-provided plans
  • Copay, copay plus, health savings account compatible, and catastrophic coverage
  • Broad and localized provider network options
  • Nationwide network of participating pharmacies
  • Health and wellness programs and resources
  • A+ BBB rating