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Cigna Health Insurance Review

81 Customer Comments & Reviews - see all comments
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Cigna is a health and wellness company which specializes in fitness programs, individual private medical insurance and global health benefits. This company also offers dental services, voluntary benefits, and accident insurance.

What’s Included with Cigna?

  • Inpatient care
  • 100% in-network preventive care coverage
  • Rehabilitation and therapies
  • Prescription drugs
  • Immediate medical attention
  • Mental, health, behavioural health, or substance abuse needs
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Hospital stay
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services
  • Maternity care Dental and eye care for children

Types of Health Insurance Plans

Businesses and Organizations


Individuals and Families


Short-Term Health Insurance


Other Plans Offered:

  • Lump Sum Cancer Insurance
  • Global Group Plans
  • Global Individual Plans

Plans Reviewed

Bronze Plan

Cigna’s Bronze Plan does not provide an annual limit for specific services that they cover. It has an out-of-pocket limit for participating providers which amount to $6,500 per individual and $25,000 for non-participating providers. They have an overall deductible that consumers must pay before the plan starts to pay for its covered services which adds up to $6,000 for participating providers and $12,000 for non-participating providers. This plan also meets the minimum value standard which is 60% and offers minimum essential coverage on the subject of Affordable Care Act.

Silver Plan

This plan requires policyholders to pay for deductibles on specific services such as prescription drugs which cost them $250 for each individual. It has an out-of-pocket limit that sums to $6,250 per individual for participating providers and $25,000 for non-participating providers. Other costs such as balance-billed charges, premiums, and penalties and not included in the company’s out-of-pocket limit which oblige beneficiaries to pay these expenses.

Gold Plan

Gold Plan does not have an overall deductible that policyholders must pay for their network of participating providers whether for individual or family.  Consumers should share their cost of covered expenses that has a limit of up to $6,250 per person for participating providers and $25,000 for non-participating providers. They also have to pay expenses that are included in the out-of-pocket limit such as penalties, premiums, and balance-billed charges. It also does not have an annual limit on how much their plan will pay for them on specific covered services.

How Much Does It Save You?





Services Offered

Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Non-Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Non-Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Non-Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Preventive Care Services


50% co-insurance


50% co-insurance


50% co-insurance

Diagnostic Test

Lab: $40 co-pay, deductible waived

X-ray: 100% co-insurance, deductible applies

50% co-insurance

Lab: $35 co-pay

X-ray: $65 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Lab: $30 co-pay

X-ray: $50 co-pay

50% co-insurance


100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

$250 co-pay

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Generic Drugs

Retail/Mail: 100% co-insurance

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail: $15 co-pay

Mail:$37 co-pay

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail: $15 co-pay

Mail: $37 co-pay

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Specialty Drugs

Retail/Mail: 100% co-insurance

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail/Mail: 20% co-insurance

(with limitations)

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail/Mail: 20% co-insurance

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Outpatient Surgery

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance, deductible waived

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Hospital Stay

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Prenatal and Postnatal Care


50% co-insurance


50% co-insurance

Prenatal: none

Postnatal: $30/visit

50% co-insurance

Primary Care Visit

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$30 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Emergency Room Service and Transportation

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

$250 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$250 co-pay

$250 co-pay

Urgent Care

$120 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$90 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$60 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Rehabilitation and Habilitation Services

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

$30 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Mental/Behavior Health Outpatient Service

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

$30 co-pay/20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

Mental/Behavior Health Inpatient Service

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Service

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

$30 co-pay/20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

Substance Use Disorder Inpatient Service

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance


Annual Maximum







*Only on specific covered services


What’s great about Cigna’s health insurance plans is that it doesn’t have maximum annual limits on a number of services it covers.



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81 Customer Comments & Reviews

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I made the mistake of choosing Cigna in March of 2020. I would have been better off flushing my money down the toilet for the last 18 months. They didn't cover a single thing, denying every one of my dental claims. So, not only was I paying every dental bill out-of-pocket (in full), I was also paying Cigna every month for providing absolutely nothing. When I first joined Cigna, they told me about all of these wonderful benefits I'd be privy to after 12 months. Yeah, that was a lie. They wouldn't even cover a routine cleaning after I'd been a member for 15 months. Out of the 7 claims filed over the last 18 months (for cleanings and a few x-rays), Cigna denied 6 of them and only paid a few... Read More

New t
I regret signing up with Cigna for my Medicare Medigap Part B Supplement. They were slightly cheaper than Blue Cross Blue Shield, so since I thought all things were equal, I went with the cheaper Cigna. And it is NOT cheap. You pay top dollar for any Medigap Part B (vs. Advantage Plans), but I wanted that. The service with Cigna has been ridiculously bad. After four months, they still don't have me fully in their "system." I cannot use their web site due to some weird fluke on their end that they are still trying to fix. I therefore am not able to access any of the third-party discount items (eye, devices, acupuncture, massage, food, etc.) under some Healthy Rewards of whatever its called... Read More

Cigna is pure trash. They have refused to even process a request for pre-approval for durable medical equipment prescribed by my husband’s doctor, they didn’t pay for quitting medication which is required to be covered by state law, and now they have denied me an MRI for a painful condition I have been dealing with for over 2 years. They refused to include one provider’s full charge on and EOB even though both me and the provider followed up with them about their error. Absolutely useless to anybody who needs health care.

You have to give Cigna kudos for finding creative ways to save money at the expense of their customers. So two of my healthcare providers were "in-network" last year and suddenly they are "out-of-network" in 2021. Both healthcare providers were blindsided by Cigna's actions. One was able to rectify the situation in about 5 months. The other provider is still "out-of-network" and there's no path to get this rectified for the last 8 months. Cigna's laughing all the way to the bank as they don't have to pay out as much in expenses for healthcare and there's virtually nothing that you can do about it. Personally, I think it's borderline criminal and Cigna should be liable for... Read More

Kathy F
Horrible insurance. My employer said nothing would change for its employees when they changed from Medical Mutual to Cigna. Not true. Ultrasounds are supposed to be covered at 100% and yet I have been fighting an $844 bill that they want me to pay because the claim was charged to a code "Diagnostic Procedure", instead of a code "ultrasound". So then my employer says you have option to take it to "arbitration" which accomplishes nothing except more frustration for me as my file sits on someone's desk with no one getting back to me. Then I'm told that I need to contact my doctor that authorized the ultrasound to get them to change the code. My doctor office says they can't change the... Read More

This is the absolute worst insurance company I’ve ever had. Several years ago, the Fire Dept. in my county switched to this insurance carrier because it was cheaper, despite how it would affect fire families. I have a degenerative spine issue that causes severe pain each time a segment begins to collapse. The first time it happened in 2007, my then-insurance company fast-tracked the necessary surgery, saving me and my family the fallout of years of intractable pain. The second time, we had Cigna, and that’s where everything fell apart. It was 2013 when the next segment began to deteriorate. By 2017, our family was in dire crisis, I lost my career, and was in such severe pain I... Read More

This company is the worst ripoff insurance company I have ever dealt with!!! I have a Medicare supplement Drug plan and every time I try to get a prescription filled it's kicked back by CIGNA for "preauthorization" even when it was previously filled. DELAY for days every time when I'm close to running out and on cheap meds. These people are the absolute worst to deal with!!!! Better off saving on premiums and just use the free coupons from Good RX or others.

Jobic C
The WORST company there is, i submitted a claim for reimbursement and after a very long time of them asking for unnecessary documents, which i provided, they took a whole month to process the claim after which they told me they had to go back again and reprocess it because they think they had underpaid me, another month now and im still waiting for my damn money. The up part i can not use their stupid insurance in any hospital here

Jay C
I checked last month on their website to see if they would cover the costs of a covid-19 test. They claimed they did. Then I got a covid-19 test and provided my Cigna insurance. And I got billed $150 because Cigna said they don't cover Covid-19 testing. This company is a fraud - misleading people during a time like this

Cigna insurance is one of the worst insurance company ever. If we have a choice, Cigna will never be the one and I warn people if they have better choice, don't ever pick Cigna as your health insurance cover. High copay, high price, when it's come to the cover part. try to denied to pay their share. I want to report this company for consumer BBB or file a lawsuit. If anyone have same problem. Please raise your voice.

Top Rated
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  • Get Coverage as soon as Tomorrow!
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