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Cigna Health Insurance Review

81 Customer Comments & Reviews - see all comments
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Cigna is a health and wellness company which specializes in fitness programs, individual private medical insurance and global health benefits. This company also offers dental services, voluntary benefits, and accident insurance.

What’s Included with Cigna?

  • Inpatient care
  • 100% in-network preventive care coverage
  • Rehabilitation and therapies
  • Prescription drugs
  • Immediate medical attention
  • Mental, health, behavioural health, or substance abuse needs
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Hospital stay
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services
  • Maternity care Dental and eye care for children

Types of Health Insurance Plans

Businesses and Organizations


Individuals and Families


Short-Term Health Insurance


Other Plans Offered:

  • Lump Sum Cancer Insurance
  • Global Group Plans
  • Global Individual Plans

Plans Reviewed

Bronze Plan

Cigna’s Bronze Plan does not provide an annual limit for specific services that they cover. It has an out-of-pocket limit for participating providers which amount to $6,500 per individual and $25,000 for non-participating providers. They have an overall deductible that consumers must pay before the plan starts to pay for its covered services which adds up to $6,000 for participating providers and $12,000 for non-participating providers. This plan also meets the minimum value standard which is 60% and offers minimum essential coverage on the subject of Affordable Care Act.

Silver Plan

This plan requires policyholders to pay for deductibles on specific services such as prescription drugs which cost them $250 for each individual. It has an out-of-pocket limit that sums to $6,250 per individual for participating providers and $25,000 for non-participating providers. Other costs such as balance-billed charges, premiums, and penalties and not included in the company’s out-of-pocket limit which oblige beneficiaries to pay these expenses.

Gold Plan

Gold Plan does not have an overall deductible that policyholders must pay for their network of participating providers whether for individual or family.  Consumers should share their cost of covered expenses that has a limit of up to $6,250 per person for participating providers and $25,000 for non-participating providers. They also have to pay expenses that are included in the out-of-pocket limit such as penalties, premiums, and balance-billed charges. It also does not have an annual limit on how much their plan will pay for them on specific covered services.

How Much Does It Save You?





Services Offered

Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Non-Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Non-Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Non-Participating Provider

(Customer’s Cost)

Preventive Care Services


50% co-insurance


50% co-insurance


50% co-insurance

Diagnostic Test

Lab: $40 co-pay, deductible waived

X-ray: 100% co-insurance, deductible applies

50% co-insurance

Lab: $35 co-pay

X-ray: $65 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Lab: $30 co-pay

X-ray: $50 co-pay

50% co-insurance


100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

$250 co-pay

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Generic Drugs

Retail/Mail: 100% co-insurance

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail: $15 co-pay

Mail:$37 co-pay

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail: $15 co-pay

Mail: $37 co-pay

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Specialty Drugs

Retail/Mail: 100% co-insurance

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail/Mail: 20% co-insurance

(with limitations)

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Retail/Mail: 20% co-insurance

Mail: not covered

Retail: 50% co-insurance

Outpatient Surgery

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance, deductible waived

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Hospital Stay

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Prenatal and Postnatal Care


50% co-insurance


50% co-insurance

Prenatal: none

Postnatal: $30/visit

50% co-insurance

Primary Care Visit

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$30 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Emergency Room Service and Transportation

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

$250 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$250 co-pay

$250 co-pay

Urgent Care

$120 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$90 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$60 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Rehabilitation and Habilitation Services

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

$30 co-pay

50% co-insurance

Mental/Behavior Health Outpatient Service

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

$30 co-pay/20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

Mental/Behavior Health Inpatient Service

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Service

$70 co-pay

50% co-insurance

$45 co-pay

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

$30 co-pay/20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance requires pre-authorization

Substance Use Disorder Inpatient Service

100% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance

20% co-insurance

50% co-insurance


Annual Maximum







*Only on specific covered services


What’s great about Cigna’s health insurance plans is that it doesn’t have maximum annual limits on a number of services it covers.



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81 Customer Comments & Reviews

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They accepted someone else's dental visit under my name (we don't even have the same name or provider) and processed two separate visits for this person under my name. It's been a month and they said I still need to wait another month for it to be cleared so my dentist can get paid out and my visit to my dentist be processed. I can't believe the lack of care and the oversight on their end. This should not be something my doctor or I have to continuously deal with.

Extremely frustrated with this company! I had a 3 way phone conversation with myself, my new insurance company, and Cigna and we all agreed my new insurance would be back-dated a few weeks and that my Cigna would be cancelled. After that Cigna started billing me for the two months which I was already covered by with my new insurance. I spent about 3 hours on the phone trying to work this out. They would not budge. They kept sending me bills anyway after the conversation stating there was nothing they could do and that I would have to go through the other company to get it straightened out. When I called the other company, they sent me back to Cigna saying they were the only ones who... Read More

My company switched to Cigna to save money and we got shafted in the process. Now basic stuff that was covered fully before is not- this includes vaccines that are preventive care to other insurers. Basically do not get sick because with Cigna you will be paying for most of it and then they will act like they are doing you a favor covering the bare minimum.

Denied for almost all claims. They decide what is needed and what is not. Isn't that what the Doctors are for. Denied MRI, prescriptions, injections. The list goes on.

Jeffrey M
Only if you don't need it. I applied for Cigna Medicare Supplemental. I am in excellent health. I do go to a therapist 2 times a year to maintain a prescription for a mild antidepressant. My application to Cigna was denied due to my "seeing a mental health worker" within the past year. So much for health maintenance.

Aaron R
Cigna is definitely NOT good insurance. They deny and delay necessary procedures and treat their members poorly. In short, I have a torn spinal disc on which I was supposed to have surgery about 2 months ago. Cigna denied my surgery, and my experience since then with Cigna in trying to resolve this has been utterly awful. Cigna decided that my surgery was not medically necessary because I hadn’t seen a psychiatrist, which is absurd. 2 MRI’s and other diagnostic procedures clearly indicate a torn L5-S1 disc as the source of pain. The issue with my spine is quite obviously mechanical, and so the requirement to see a psychiatrist was a complete waste of my time and money, and kept me in... Read More

Ben W
Nonsense. It's more cost effective for me to pay orgnized criminals to get my medications on the darknet than it is to get them at the pharmacy with Cignas useless coverage.

Malcolm S
Do not take out a policy with Cigna. Cigna gave approval for a procedure and then refused to reimburse the cost because subsequent pathology found the tissue not to be malignant! This was despite the fact Cigna knew about the type of procedure in advance and gave approval prior to the procedure.

Hai V
Broke my foot on April 30th 2016, went to ER and got sutured up, they stopped the bleeding after received 14 stitches and that was as much as they could do. I would have to see my PCP to evaluate my broken foot. Broken bones does not qualify as a medical emergency. The ER was nice enough to provide me with the Xrays. When I went in for a walk-in the next day to my PCP at HOAG they said they could not see me without an appointment. The next available appointment was 2 weeks away. I opted to try and see someone at Alta-Med, same response... After finally seeing a doctor 2 weeks later, I was told I had to see an outside specialist because no surgeons are available in-network any longer.... Read More

Arunkumar P
My doctor recommended a shoe insert and connected me to a Orthotic provider. Before going ahead with the order of making a shoe insert for me the Orthotic provided contacted Cigna to check if this will be covered by insurance. Cigna confirmed that this will be covered. And then the Orthotic provider went ahead with my shoe insert. But later I got to know Cigna rejected the claim by the Orthotic provider. I called Cigna and they confirmed that as per Cigna Record Orthotic provider had called them and Cigna had confirmed that it will be covered. They apologized to me said this will be taken care. After a month I checked with the provider if they received the payment from Cigna they said no.... Read More

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