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WellCare Health Insurance Review

80 Customer Comments & Reviews - see all comments
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WellCare Health Plans is a health insurance provider that specializes in delivering Medicare and Medicaid services nationwide. The company offers government-sponsored care services to families, individuals, and seniors.

What’s Included with WellCare?

  • Diagnostic tests and imaging
  • Preventive care services
  • Primary care
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Immediate medical attention
  • Prescription drugs
  • Hospitalization
  • Pregnancy care
  • Habilitation and rehabilitation services
  • Mental health, behavioural health, and substance abuse needs
  • Pediatric dental or eye care

Types of Health Insurance Plans


Businesses and Organizations


Individuals and Families


Short-Term Health Insurance

Not Stated

Other Plans Offered:

  • Medicare Advantage and PDP Plans

Plans Reviewed

Bronze Plan

  • Out-of-pocket limit: $6,350 per individual and $12,700 per family
  • No overall annual limit on specific services
  • Overall deductibles: $3,000 per person and $6,000 per family
  • A written referral is required to visit a specialist
  • Other covered services: infertility treatment, Chiropractic care, Hearing aid

Silver Plan

  • Out-of-pocket limit: $5,000 per individual and $10,000 per family
  • Overall deductibles: $2,500 per person and $5,000 per family which do not apply to prenatal, postnatal, PCP visits, Tier 1 generic drugs, and Preventive care
  • No annual maximum limit on selected covered services
  • A written referral is required to see a specialist
  • Other covered services: Infertility treatment, Hearing aid, Acupuncture, Dental care for adults, Chiropractic care

Gold Plan

  • Out-of-pocket limit: $4,000 per individual and $8,000 per family
  • Overall deductibles: $600 per person and $1,200per family which excludes prescription drugs
  • No overall annual limit on specific covered services
  • A written referral is required to visit a specialist
  • Other covered services: Hearing aid, Chiropractic care, Infertility treatment

Platinum Plan

  • No overall deductibles for both individuals and families
  • No annual maximum limit for specific covered services
  • Out-of-pocket limit: $2,000 per individual and $4,000 per family
  • A written referral is required to see a specialist
  • Other covered services: Hearing aid, Infertility treatment, Chiropractic care

*Details shown above are for the state of New York

How Much Does It Save You?






Services Offered


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)


(Your Cost)

Diagnostic Test

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

PCP office: $25 co-pay after deductible

Specialist office: $40 co-pay after deductible



Not covered

PCP office: $15 co-pay after deductible

Specialist office: $35 co-pay after deductible

Not covered


50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$40 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$35 co-pay

Not covered

Preventive Care Services

Covered in full

Not covered

Covered in full

Not covered

Covered in full

Not covered

Covered in full

Not covered

Primary Care

50% after deductible

Not covered

Visits 1-3: $0 co-pay Visits 4+: 30% deductible

Not covered

$25 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$15 co-pay

Not covered

Generic Drugs

Retail: $10 co-pay

Mail Order: $25 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

Retail: 30%

Mail Order: 30% after deductible

Not covered

Retail: $10 co-pay

Mail order: $25 co-pay

Not covered

Retail: $10 co-pay

Mail order: $25 co-pay

Not covered

Specialty Drugs

Mail order: $70 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

Mail order: 30% after deductible

Not covered

Mail order: $70 co-pay

Not covered

Mail order: $60 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

Hospital Stay

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$100 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

Physician/Surgeon fee: $100 co-pay

Facility fee: $500 co-pay per admit

Not covered

Outpatient Surgery

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$100 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$100 co-pay

Not covered

Urgent Care

50% after deductible

50% after deductible

30% after deductible

30% after deductible

$60 co-pay after deductible

$60 co-pay after deductible

$55 co-pay

$55 co-pay

Emergency Room Services

50% after deductible

50% after deductible

30% after deductible

30% after deductible

$150 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$100 co-pay

$100 co-pay

Emergency Medical Transportation

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$150 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$100 co-pay

Not covered

Mental/ Behavioral Inpatient Services

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$1,000 co-pay per admit after deductible

Not covered

$500 co-pay per admit

Not covered

Mental/ Behavioral Outpatient Services

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$25 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$15 co-pay

Not covered

Substance Use Disorder Inpatient Services

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$1,000 co-pay per admin after deductible

Not covered

$500 co-pay per admit

Not covered

Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$25 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$15 co-pay

Not covered

Prenatal and Postnatal care

Covered in full

Not covered

Covered in full

Not covered

Covered in full

Not covered

Covered in full

Not covered

Pregnancy Delivery and Inpatient Services

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

Not covered

$1,000 co-pay per admit after deductible

Not covered

$500 co-pay per admit

Not covered

Rehabilitation and

50% after deductible

Not covered

30% after deductible

50% after deductible

$30 co-pay after deductible

Not covered

$25 co-pay

Not covered

Annual Maximum Limit









*Only on specific covered services


WellCare health insurance offers excellent medical services coverage and benefit programs that makes them a good choice for seniors, families, and individuals.








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80 Customer Comments & Reviews

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Dada Z
I am on S.S. disabilty, and SSI. I moved to Chicago, Illinois to be closer to my sister. For my medical condition I have to receive an injection every 4 weeks. I called Well Care to make sure my new Dr., and clinic were in their system. Northwest Memorial Hospital. At the start of my call to Well Care, the phone person told me that I had to call my Part A provider to determine if the clinic was in the Well Care system. I explained to this person that is not how it works, as I had to do this two years ago with Well Care. She insisted calling my Part A provider was what i had to do. I told her I needed to speak with her supervisor. When the supervisor got on the phone, I... Read More

Lynn R
Well Care did not update my mailing address and it took me 2 calls at one hour each to get my prescriptions mailed to me. Crossing my fingers that the meds actually arrive.

I had Wellcare back in 2011 through when I dumped them in 2015. I had always had problems with them covering promised covered medical expenses. It was a constant fight with them but the final straw was that my primary back specialist dropped them midstream in my treatment. If you are making a decision of whom to sign with choose a long term reputable insurer but NOT Wellcare

WellCare needs to have their employees speak the ENGLISH lanquage so it can be understood! The lady I spoke with you could not understand her at all. She never answered the questions I was calling about.

Your company is a nightmare to deal with. Hours, days and months go by with no resolution in sight. Advice to those looking for RX insurance. Stay clear of this company!!!!

Sandra S
I was told by two different employees of WellCare I had dental coverage. Now I need extractions and they say I am not covered. I will be changing my insurance as soon as possible.

Very evasive information. Agents speak poor English making a complicated insurance even more difficult to understand. I believe the agents with heavy accents are part of their plan to be evasive. The information we were given at our Part D meeting is not the same as the company gives you.

My doctor is listed in the Wellcare network as a PCP (Primary Care Physician) yet Wellcare would not let me keep him for some unknown reason which they could never explain to me. After a month and a half of arguing with Wellcare they finally added my doctor to the drop down list on their website of doctors to choose from. This was only a month after the corporate office of the medical facility which my doctor is part of contacted Wellcare several times. Just before this was finally settled I switched to another health insurance company. If they gave me a hard time about this I don't know what other trouble they might have had in store for me but I didn't stick around long enough to find out!

WellCare is the worst!!! No one speaks proper English. I wait on the phone for hours. They transfer me fifty million times so I can wait some more. I have spent every business day on the phone for 2 months trying to straighten out my account. They still can't get it right. They originally had a start date of December when I specifically wrote on my paperwork a start date of February 1. They changed it to January after a month of calling. It took another month of calls to change it to the proper start date of February. When they did so, I paid for the rest of the year. Today, I get a letter stating my insurance was cancelled. What? Again, I was on the phone for hours. I... Read More

Clarique L
Terrible company! They practice bait and switch phone tactics. As a "Prospective Member" you get a very friendly and knowledgeable person base in the US. Very positive experience obviously set up as a Marketing front. Once signed up from Medicare Part D plan, you hear nothing from them. Calling WellCare, they direct you to the "Current Member" phone number answered by a heavy accent based in India who has no idea what you're talking about. Total nightmare dealing with these people. Luckily, my Medicare Part D signup never went through and I still have my previous insurance. I'm so thankful the Medicare system hic-cuped on my application! Never will consider WellCare in the future based on... Read More

Top Rated
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