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Embrace Pet Insurance Review

258 Customer Comments & Reviews - see all comments
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Embrace Pet Insurance Agency LLC is a pet insurance provider based in Cleveland Ohio that sells policies for dogs and cats. They were founded in 2003 and are underwritten by American Modern Home Insurance Company.

Embrace has an A+ rating with the BBB, consistently positive online reviews, and is known for broad coverage and fast payouts.

How Do We Rate Embrace?



Our Overall Rating: 4.4 / 5 (Excellent)

Embrace gets good marks from us mainly on the strength of customer satisfaction.

Even though plans are a little on the pricier side, and unlimited coverage is not an option, customer feedback is among the most positive.

Also, Embrace offers standard coverage of many conditions and treatments not offered at all by most plans. These include behavioral therapy and prosthetics.

Embrace Coverage

Coverage - 4.5 / 5

Embrace sets itself apart from the pack in coverage because, in addition to providing for usual accidents and illnesses, the company also covers various items not traditionally offered under other companies' standard plans.

These include prosthetic limbs, behavioral therapy, and alternative treatments. Embrace also offers prescription drug coverage and a wellness plan at an additional cost.

As with all pet insurance plans, Embrace will not cover pre-existing conditions if they were apparent before the policy purchase.
Pets Covered
Coverage Types
Vet Selection
Out-of-State Coverage
Commercial Pets Covered

Medical Conditions Covered

  • Accidental
  • Illness
  • Hereditary
  • Congenital
  • Cancer
  • Chronic
  • Accidental Dental
  • Dental Illness

Medical Treatments Covered

  • Diagnostic Testing
  • Surgery
  • Hospitalization
  • Prescription Medications
  • Emergency Care
  • Specialty Care
  • Alternative Care
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Prosthetics & Mobility Aids

Benefit Limits

Benefit Limits - 4.5 / 5

Embrace's annual maximum is also customizable, although the highest limit is lower than some other companies, and they do not offer unlimited coverage.

The lowest limit is $5000, while the highest is $15,000. This refers to the maximum they will pay for all incidents and procedures for the entire year.

If your pet requires multiple, serious procedures, or cutting edge treatment, it's possible this can be a limiting factor.
Benefit Limit Types
Annual Benefit Maximum

Reimbursement & Deductibles

Reimbursement - 4.5 / 5

Embrace's policies are among the most customizable when compared to other companies. This includes the reimbursement model as well.

Embrace will cover anywhere from 65% to 90% of your actual vet bill. Choosing a lower reimbursement percentage will translate into lower premiums.
Reimbursement Model
Actual Cost
Minimum Percent Reimbursement
Maximum Percent Reimbursement

Deductibles - 4.5 / 5

Embrace offers deductible options that tend to be on the more flexible side as compared to other players.

The company enables their customers to choose annual deductibles of $100, $200, $300, $500 and $1000. They also offer a program called Healthy Pet Deductible.

Every year you do not receive reimbursement from a claim, your deductible will decrease by $50.
Deductible Type
Minimum Deductible Offered
Maximum Deductible Offered

Pricing: How much does Embrace cost?

Cost - 4.5 / 5

Embrace's policies are slightly higher priced when compared to other companies. But you can get a budget conscious plan by choosing the low annual limit and higher deductible.

Starting Monthly Premiums

Dog: Sample Monthly Premium, 1 year old male Golden Retriever in zip code 92683
Cat: Sample Monthly Premium, 1 year old male American Shorthair in zip code 92683
Rate Details: Annual Deductible: $1,000 Benefits Cap: $5,000 Reimbursement Model: 70% of Actual Cost
Available Discounts: Discounts vary by state. Discount options include, but are not limited to, a multiple pet discount of 5-10%, military discount of 5%, spay/neuter discount of 5%, annual payment discount of 5%, paying via bank account discount of 5%, and PenHIP discount of 5% (if score is 0.3 or lower).

Enrollment & Waiting Periods

Enrollment - 4 / 5

Embrace's waiting periods are pretty much standard when compared to other companies.

For accidents and illnesses, the waiting period is 14 days. However, in some states, the waiting period for accidents is only 48 hours or two days.

There is an additional six month waiting period for dogs for orthopedic conditions, but there is an option to have this reduced to as little as 14 days.

Embrace will not allow pets older than 14 to enroll in illness coverage, which some other plans do.
Min Enrollment Age
6 weeks
Max Enrollment Age
14 years
Illnesses Waiting Period
14 days
Free Look Period
30 days

Claims & Service

Extras - 4.5 / 5

Embrace has some of the best feedback we've seen when it comes to customer service.

The majority of online reviews mirror generally positive experiences. To make a claim you must fill out the claim form that was included with the enrollment email.

You can also download the form on the website or have it mailed to you. The form must be filled out by a veterinary staff member. Include all relevant invoices and receipts and fax or email them all to the company.

Embrace offers direct deposit to get you the reimbursement as quickly as possible. Furthermore, beginning recently, claim forms can now also uploaded through MyEmbrace, the company's online customer account.
Claim Form
Online Portal

Contact & Additional Information

Homepage URL
Headquarters Address
4530 Richmond Road, Cleveland, OH, 44128
Mailing Address
PO Box 22188, Beachwood, OH, 44122
Year Founded

What We’re Hearing From Our Readers
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Customer Comments

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Elizabeth R

The coverage seems fair, and competitive with other plans. But, buyer beware, they only accept automatic deduction payments from your checking account or from a credit card, and they offer NO way to change the date of the auto-deduct. If you call Customer Service (even with plenty of time ahead of your payment date), they will advise that the day of the month that you started your policy will forever be your auto-deduct date. NO exceptions, and there is NO way to request another date instead. So, if your auto-deduct is on the 3rd of the month, and that is hard for you to manage with rent, etc., there is no way to request the auto-deduct at a different time in the month. Currently,... Read More
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Chris W

Embrace was great for the first year I had them and did exactly what they promised. Now, they have denied claims that my vet has certified as illness claims with a signed letter and pet records to support it. They still won't pay. Unacceptable, especially when we pay hundreds a month to cover our five pets. I will be finding another provider ASAP. Unacceptable.
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If you love your pet(s) STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY! They're nice when you need to sign and that's it. Our 12 y.o. is healthy thank God only had an episode of cough and was prescribed antibiotics for 21 days (2 visits and medicines, never reimbursed), and because the vet touched him and caused him to cough again on last visit, he said "that's collapsing trachea" after 30 days from the beginning of the policy, someone very "brilliant" from insurance stated that was the diagnosis from first visit (FALSE as they received the papers too when we filed the first claim and diagnosis space was mistakenly left EMPTY) and put 3 fantasy pre-existing conditions on my dog and stopped replying to any... Read More
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Dave K

Still trying to get paid, they sendt me a generic email that says I'm either missing my invoice or it is not readable. I sent it in again, then go the same email. I called and was told what I was missing, again the generic email was not specific and I wasted my time sending in again what I had originally submitted. After sending in the missing page and being reassured everything was in place a week later I got the same generic email. This is ridiculous, would not recommend.
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ID love to share a comment! Embrace is hard to contact, e-mail, impossible to chat and wait forever for that callback. I guess some companies get to big to remain people friendly and loyal to their customers!🐾🤷‍♀️
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Kathy B

I don't know HOW you can say the service is good with this company. It has been nothing short of a nightmare for me. They are constantly losing paperwork that has been sent to them two and three times, their communication is terrible and I am going to be dropping them because they are SO bad. I should have stayed with Nationwide, who in my opinion, is far superior in claims and customer service. You get what you pay for.
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Kathy F

I would give you an excellent rating if it were not for your refusal to cover growths in the mouth. I dont understand this. If a vet says the growth needs removed and sent for histopath then i think it should be covered. I understand dental hygeine and broken teeth and things like that but removing something that could be cancer should be treated just as if it were on another part of the body. I like embrace but will continue to search for insurance that will cover things in the mouth.
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Todd T

Was offered a trial subscription from the pet rescue. Researched them and thought it was a good option. Signed up and provided payment info. Printed off a claim form, per their requirements. The claim form they fill in the pet/owner info....with a disclaimer I was not eligible to submit a claim for an additional month....only thought about filing a claim due to their emails stating yes, now I was eligible, providing eligibility date. Bottom line bait and switch practices are a terrible way to do business, I gladly pay more with another provider who honors their word/contract.
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Waleska Q

DO NOT PURCHASE EMBRACE !!!!!! all they do is take your money and don't care about your pet or your situation they only care about charging your bank every month so disappointed first time getting insurance and it wasn't a good experience
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I use to sing a song of praise. They changed the coverage. I have a pup with severe bilateral hip dysplasia. Now they limit the coverage yet the condition never goes away. It was most helpful to our fella. He could receive chiro, hydro, acupuncture etc. the alternative care was most helpful to him. Now he can never be treated again under Embrace insurance Since 12 weeks has occurred. He used to receive weekly alternative care for years. I have Embrace for my other pups coverage. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I am now exploring other providers for my healthy pups. I WAS an ambassador for them. I feel it’s only fair to express my concern over this change since... Read More
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