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Embrace Pet Insurance Review

258 Customer Comments & Reviews - see all comments
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Embrace Pet Insurance Agency LLC is a pet insurance provider based in Cleveland Ohio that sells policies for dogs and cats. They were founded in 2003 and are underwritten by American Modern Home Insurance Company.

Embrace has an A+ rating with the BBB, consistently positive online reviews, and is known for broad coverage and fast payouts.

How Do We Rate Embrace?



Our Overall Rating: 4.4 / 5 (Excellent)

Embrace gets good marks from us mainly on the strength of customer satisfaction.

Even though plans are a little on the pricier side, and unlimited coverage is not an option, customer feedback is among the most positive.

Also, Embrace offers standard coverage of many conditions and treatments not offered at all by most plans. These include behavioral therapy and prosthetics.

Embrace Coverage

Coverage - 4.5 / 5

Embrace sets itself apart from the pack in coverage because, in addition to providing for usual accidents and illnesses, the company also covers various items not traditionally offered under other companies' standard plans.

These include prosthetic limbs, behavioral therapy, and alternative treatments. Embrace also offers prescription drug coverage and a wellness plan at an additional cost.

As with all pet insurance plans, Embrace will not cover pre-existing conditions if they were apparent before the policy purchase.
Pets Covered
Coverage Types
Vet Selection
Out-of-State Coverage
Commercial Pets Covered

Medical Conditions Covered

  • Accidental
  • Illness
  • Hereditary
  • Congenital
  • Cancer
  • Chronic
  • Accidental Dental
  • Dental Illness

Medical Treatments Covered

  • Diagnostic Testing
  • Surgery
  • Hospitalization
  • Prescription Medications
  • Emergency Care
  • Specialty Care
  • Alternative Care
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Prosthetics & Mobility Aids

Benefit Limits

Benefit Limits - 4.5 / 5

Embrace's annual maximum is also customizable, although the highest limit is lower than some other companies, and they do not offer unlimited coverage.

The lowest limit is $5000, while the highest is $15,000. This refers to the maximum they will pay for all incidents and procedures for the entire year.

If your pet requires multiple, serious procedures, or cutting edge treatment, it's possible this can be a limiting factor.
Benefit Limit Types
Annual Benefit Maximum

Reimbursement & Deductibles

Reimbursement - 4.5 / 5

Embrace's policies are among the most customizable when compared to other companies. This includes the reimbursement model as well.

Embrace will cover anywhere from 65% to 90% of your actual vet bill. Choosing a lower reimbursement percentage will translate into lower premiums.
Reimbursement Model
Actual Cost
Minimum Percent Reimbursement
Maximum Percent Reimbursement

Deductibles - 4.5 / 5

Embrace offers deductible options that tend to be on the more flexible side as compared to other players.

The company enables their customers to choose annual deductibles of $100, $200, $300, $500 and $1000. They also offer a program called Healthy Pet Deductible.

Every year you do not receive reimbursement from a claim, your deductible will decrease by $50.
Deductible Type
Minimum Deductible Offered
Maximum Deductible Offered

Pricing: How much does Embrace cost?

Cost - 4.5 / 5

Embrace's policies are slightly higher priced when compared to other companies. But you can get a budget conscious plan by choosing the low annual limit and higher deductible.

Starting Monthly Premiums

Dog: Sample Monthly Premium, 1 year old male Golden Retriever in zip code 92683
Cat: Sample Monthly Premium, 1 year old male American Shorthair in zip code 92683
Rate Details: Annual Deductible: $1,000 Benefits Cap: $5,000 Reimbursement Model: 70% of Actual Cost
Available Discounts: Discounts vary by state. Discount options include, but are not limited to, a multiple pet discount of 5-10%, military discount of 5%, spay/neuter discount of 5%, annual payment discount of 5%, paying via bank account discount of 5%, and PenHIP discount of 5% (if score is 0.3 or lower).

Enrollment & Waiting Periods

Enrollment - 4 / 5

Embrace's waiting periods are pretty much standard when compared to other companies.

For accidents and illnesses, the waiting period is 14 days. However, in some states, the waiting period for accidents is only 48 hours or two days.

There is an additional six month waiting period for dogs for orthopedic conditions, but there is an option to have this reduced to as little as 14 days.

Embrace will not allow pets older than 14 to enroll in illness coverage, which some other plans do.
Min Enrollment Age
6 weeks
Max Enrollment Age
14 years
Illnesses Waiting Period
14 days
Free Look Period
30 days

Claims & Service

Extras - 4.5 / 5

Embrace has some of the best feedback we've seen when it comes to customer service.

The majority of online reviews mirror generally positive experiences. To make a claim you must fill out the claim form that was included with the enrollment email.

You can also download the form on the website or have it mailed to you. The form must be filled out by a veterinary staff member. Include all relevant invoices and receipts and fax or email them all to the company.

Embrace offers direct deposit to get you the reimbursement as quickly as possible. Furthermore, beginning recently, claim forms can now also uploaded through MyEmbrace, the company's online customer account.
Claim Form
Online Portal

Contact & Additional Information

Homepage URL
Headquarters Address
4530 Richmond Road, Cleveland, OH, 44128
Mailing Address
PO Box 22188, Beachwood, OH, 44122
Year Founded

What We’re Hearing From Our Readers
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Customer Comments

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I have been an Embrace customer since June of 2016. I carefully researched companies as I wanted a company that provided alternative care such as acupuncture. Up until most recently I was happy with Embrace. I have learned that they will no longer be covering alternative care in the same way - unlimited visits. Each condition/incident gets 12 weeks of alternative treatment period. You cannot take your kitty or dog once a month for a year, for example, for acupuncture for a specific issue. You can't go once or twice a year for the same condition if the second time falls outside of the 12 week window. Once treated during the 12 week period, that is it for that condition - no more... Read More
3 People found this helpful.

Tonya B

Horrible claims service!!! My pet suffered a cruciate ligament tear from a recent accident and embrace took 4 weeks to review the claim only to deny it saying it was preexisting. My pet has only been to the vet for dental cleanings and shots. Even the vet said a cruciate ligament tear is not preexisting. I would strongly urge anyone seeking pet insurance to steer clear of this company!! Embrace spends more time trying to deny claims instead of honoring insurance agreements.
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Anne M

“Embrace distinguishes between curable and incurable preexisting conditions and covers curable conditions if pets remain symptom and treatment free for 12 consecutive months. “. In your last correspondence you stated that “the facts around the case clearly show Taft’s condition to be pre-existing.” In your advertising for your insurance that I received from USAA it clearly states that “Embrace distinguishes between curable and incurable preexisting conditions and covers curable conditions if pets remain symptom and treatment free for 12 consecutive months. “. I believe that Dr. Perkins letter specifically states that a total removal of the non descended testicle and follow up... Read More
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One-sentence summary: If your dog has vomited at least one time in the past year (i.e., if it is a dog), your dog will not be covered for any illness for which vomiting could conceivably be a symptom (i.e., most illnesses). My experience with Embrace began a year ago. One day, I came home and found that my cat had been run over by a car but was still alive. Due to the extent of his injuries, the ER vets estimated that doing everything needed to save him would likely total over $10,000. Being a PhD student, I just did not have that kind of money. After trying to come up with the funds, I ultimately had to watch my cat go limp and die in my arms because I could not afford his vet... Read More
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Curtis A

I have had embrace pet insurance for two years. This year we submitted two claims. The first had no payout due to it being below the yearly deductible. The second claim was for a root canal on a k9 tooth (expensive). Embrace only covered $1000 and claims that is their yearly limit (your add says 5000 minimum). They provided me with an email stating that the change was implemented 1 week prior to my claim (so much for 2 years of premiums). So this is yet another insurance company that refuses to pay out and will change any policy without notice to accomplish this goal. Now consider they increased premiums to $87 a month and will only pay out $1000 a year. That is not... Read More
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Rose F

DO NOT GET EMBRACE!!! I filed our first claim on June 24, 2020. After 2 weeks, we had to follow up with the Vet. And again, we filed another claim for his additional meds. I've been calling since then for updates. Every time I called they're asking for additional paper works. When we got all the medical records from the time we got him, they're asking for more. When they found out we went back for his regular check up. They also wanted that report!!! Finally, this time they wanted the detailed report of our puppy's neutering!!! Called the center that did it, but due to privacy issues especially, we got him from the rescue center, they can't release it. Today, I received an email saying... Read More
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Marisol F

Very difficult claim process even for reimbursment on the wellness program, which you prefund. Dogs are totally healthy, as they know since they have insured them since they were pups, but still always ask for a 12 month medical history. Plus, they are expensive.
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Courtney T

If I could give negative stars, I would. We have been customers of Embrace for years with one of our pups. We now pay over $160/month for the best coverage for our two dogs, and we have never had a claim. Our golden pup (22 months) did us a solid and ingested some mystery substance that required emergency care. Over $3K later, I submit my first claim in 6 maybe 7 years? First they put the claim on hold because they were missing the second page of the invoice (which contained no material information), then they put the claim on hold because they didn't have a full medical history. Our vet finally satisfied that hurdle. NOW it is on hold because they require the full medical history... Read More
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Kate H

I enrolled our rescue Lab 7 years ago when we first got her. Never submitted a claim until the last few months of 2018. She suffered from seizures due to a brain tumor. Surgery was scheduled but 2 days before, she had a massive seizure that landed her in the hospital for 4 days. We had to say goodbye unfortunately. Final cost of everything including the MRI came to about $8,000. Embrace covered it all at 80 percent with rapid reimbursement. Gave us piece of mind for making decisions for our girl. I have just enrolled our new rescue Lab with Embrace with more coverage and Wellness. Customer service was excellent all the way through and highly recommend this company.
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Dennis K

I have had not a good experience. After putting my first claim in after two years and a rate increase I was told the vet hadn't completed the exam paperwork out correctly (2 years ago). Finally got that straightened out which was not easy as vet is out with terminal illness. Still have not heard about my claim after 2 mths and cannot get onto My Embrace site after trying for 1 hour. Don't waste your money
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